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Rebirthing Breathwork

Breathwork can help you with that

According to research by Stanford University, breathwork is by far more effective than meditation for reducing stress and anxiety. Here's why: Meditation is nothing more than watching your breath. Breathwork is different. It's a tool that allows you to take full control of your breathing patterns and everything attached to those patterns. This means you are no longer an 'observer'. You are now an active participant influencing the outcome, and can therefore change the blueprint of your health, wealth and relationship outcomes.




During breathwork we are intentionally 'working the breath' until the 'breath works you'. There is a particular rhythm and technique we use to achieve the desired outcomes.  

Health Coaching : About

Why Breathwork

Reduce noise ; Gain clarity

Your breath rate is connected to your brainwaves and your thoughts. This means that you control your thoughts with your breathing. As you breathe the RB style, your brainwaves will drop from Beta (everyday busy life, thinking) to Alpha (meditation) to Theta (visualization) and maybe even Delta (deep rest). As this occurs, the space between your thoughts increases. It's kinda like clearing the static on an old TV. From full of static, your mind will calm and achieve clear vision. From this space, you will be able to decide your next steps forward. 

Cardiovascular Training : Services

The Breathwork Journey

Breathwork is the use of breath awareness and conscious breathing for healing and growth, personal awakening and transformation in mind, body and spirit. It is a self-help, self-healing method in alternative medicine.

Every physiological, psychological and emotional state we experience has a corresponding breathing pattern. By changing our pattern of breathing we change the pattern of the information being sent to the brain and regulate our: Emotions, Perceptions, Thoughts, Judgements and Behaviours.

Through breathwork, when we speed up and slow down our breathing we activate the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous System. Breathwork is a tool we can use to optimise the stress response, improve the body's detoxification processes, improve intuition, heal post trauma.


Remember Good Health


If something is dangerous and scary to your unconscious mind, you will be avoiding it consciously. Any kind of unknown change, including weight loss and strength gain, is outside the comfort zone of the known, and therefore scary. Healing is the remembering of good health and your unconscious mind needs to be supported towards this remembering of how to heal. 

Your unconscious mind is responsible for the blueprint of your current health status. What do I mean by this? The unconscious mind stores memories, organises memories and runs the body. It's job is to preserve the body and works on the path of least resistance. Where you are right now with your health is driven by your unconscious mind. This is your unconscious minds' perception of perfect health, even if you consciously know you can be healthier, fitter, skinnier, stronger. It is the result of years of meaning making that create internal representations tied to an emotional charge. This is known as a memory. Your body has stored this exact memory of perfect health, whatever that is for you.

You can choose to be healthy.

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