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NuFit Wellness


Dietitian & Wellness Coach

Mind - Body - Breathwork 

All Health Begins in the Gut, Use Lifestyle As Medicine

Supporting you through change with NuFit Wellness health principles


Kathy Ozakovic

Transforming lives from unhappy and uncomfortable to confident, courageous and committed to their best, healthiest self.


Turn obstacles into opportunities  

Setbacks are learning opportunities to identify your strengths


Healthy Food
Running Shoes
Barbell and Kettlebell Weights
Fresh Salad & Bread




A discovery call gives you the opportunity to get clear about your Wellness Vision and learn how to move towards it. This is your first step towards reclaiming your health and changing the trajectory of your life. The body has an innate ability to heal when we remove interferences and support it with nourishment. 

'I focus on guiding clients towards achieving & maintaining wellness through Gut Health because research has shown all health begins in the Gut. People forget that the body is made up of the food you eat.'

'I support individuals and groups master their health with integrative medicine through mind, body and breathwork practices.' 

With personal and professional experience guiding individuals with Metabolic disease, Gut Health issues, Underfueling and Eating Disorders, Hypothyrodism I noticed that focusing on improving Gut Health though The 6 Pillars helped me and others individuals to reverse the symptoms of disease, improve physically and mentally, and reclaim their healthy self.  


There was a time when I didn't have my Health & Wellness, and this is why I care. I know what it feels like to restrict in the attempt to shrink. I know what it feels like to avoid foods in fear of bloating. There was a time I was depressed, suffered panic attacks, had a cholesterol level above 7 and deranged liver enzymes without ever drinking alcohol.


My struggle is my gift as I now guide others to achieve and maintain their own wellness. 

I went on a profound journey of self-discovery to bring you the principles to healing. All bodies have the ability to heal a cut. Remove the interferences and nourish the body with the right environment and it will heal. 



Wellness Coaching

Create your Vision and move confidently towards it. With the right guidance what takes others decades can take you days. 

Nutrition & Dietetics

Gain a healthy relationship with food
Eat to perform better at life 
Understand how food impacts your mind, body, spirit and emotions. 

Supplement Guidance

Individualised supplement support as a strategy towards high performance and disease symptom reversal. 

Disease Management, Reversal and Prevention

Others have healed, why not you?

Online and In Person 
Wellness Programs and Workshops 

For your workplace, schools, friends

Book a discovery call to discuss! 

I don't put people on diets!
I don't even put them on a scale. I want you to stop measuring your progress and start monitoring it.
Watch your attitude towards food improve
and self-confidence grow.

I started my health journey with Kathy at 108kg, after 6 months I weighed in at 95kg. Her nutrition and exercise knowledge is outstanding. Kathy's advice was very realistic and easy to fit into my life. I highly recommend Kathy as a dietitian (total weight loss 15kg!) 

- Enzo, 49yo

Values and Beliefs


Everyone's balance is different 

Don't go looking for balance, Create your own balance


When it comes to nutrition and fitness, there is no 'one size fits all' approach.

Healthy eating involves the enjoyment of a variety of whole foods. Exercise involves a variety of movements that is fun. My role as a Wellness Coach is to evoke motivation and provide guidance when prompted to help individuals achieve and maintain health, in any given circumstance.


Trial, Error and Correction leads to Success

Success leaves clues


My aim is to help you:

Identify areas in your Lifestyle you wish to improve on

Bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be

Navigate the circumstances, challenges and setbacks you face

Find progress and continuous improvement 


You only fail if you didn't learn something

Setbacks are stepping stones towards success

Are you rowing in the right direction?  



Explore the podcasts I have guest spoken across to understand why I am so passionate about Wellness and what I practice and preach daily! Find the podcasts HERE

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Clients have been sharing their health journey and improvements with me so that I can showcase them to you! Read about some incredible results including:

  • Cholesterol lowered by 36% in only 4 weeks with food and supplements only 

  • Weight loss of 10kg over 8 weeks 

  • A new attitude towards food after only 3 sessions 

  • From unable to walk to improved quality of life through gut health


Read their testimonials HERE​



Immerse yourself into wellness with the 5 Day Wellness Challenge - Detox By Design! Your starting point to your best, healthiest self. Go to 'Book Now' to find out when the next challenge is being held! 


NuFit Wellness brings you a brand new approach to kickstarting your health journey: Detox By Design with Kathy O.


In this 5 part Wellness Challenge founder of NuFit Wellness, Integrative Dietitian and Wellness Coach Kathy O will be hosting 90min sessions to help you gain a greater understanding of: 


Day 1: The 6 Pillars To Wellness 
Day 2: What's Holding You Back  
Day 3: Break Free From The Diet Cycle 

Day 4: The Detox By Design Way 
Day 5: The 3 Keys To Create Lasting Change 


Challenge yourself and show up for your future self, or maybe you show up for your (future) children. 

Fresh Produce

Memberships & Affiliations


A bachelor's degree of nutrition and dietetics enabled me to become a member of Dietitians Australia.
I have a scientific background and understanding of supporting the body with strategy.

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