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How To Become An Action Taker

Writer's picture: Kathy OzakovicKathy Ozakovic

Stepping outside the comfort zone is scary to our hindbrain, and subconscious mind. Even if that step is out from an abusive relationship. This may be where the term 'better the devil you know' comes from. If you believe this term, you will stay in your current circumstances even if you don't like them. You might be subconsciously holding onto that belief. Create a new empowering belief. The unknown might be scary to the brain, it is also where all possibilities exist. Get inspired by the unknown. In this blog, I share with you a 5 step process to becoming an action taker. If you want to learn more about the physiology and psychology behind why we resist change, read my previous blog post here.

Rather than waiting for the 'Region Beta Paradox' to kick in, I expeirnced a profound moment that helped me change the trajectory of my life almost overnight. About 3.5 years ago, I was guided by a trusted coach (Hi Paula Be) in a 'Future Me' vizualisation meditation. I met 'Her', my future, best self. She was holding my baby girl. When I came out of this visualisation trance state, I begun taking actions towards becoming her.

To be honest, none of it was easy, and all of it is well worth it. I walked away from a codependant relationship where I was surrounded by drugs, alcohol and cigarettes. I went through major surgery to explant the breast implants that I no longer wanted for various reasons. I healed generational trauma, became a breathwork practitioner, changed the way I relate to people.

I decided to live a conscious life and make decisions from my heartspace, from the feeling of 'Her'. Although I am not 'Her' yet, I am much closer than I was 3.5 years ago. Here's what I learnt about becoming an action taker:

Step 1: Validate your fear. Start by recognising and acknowledging your current comfort zone. Start by admitting to yourself this is something new, or this is a repeating problem that I want to solve for good. From once again, to never again.

Step 2: Clarity about your challenge with curiosity. Name it to tame it. The act of naming your emotions, your fears, your challenges lessens their grip over you. It is not a crocodile. Even if it is a crocodile, now you know what to do. Even if you don't yet know how to overcome the challenge, or what change you need to take, clarity will provide direction. You may not know straight away. However, your subconscious mind is going to start looking for solutions.

Step 3: Visualise your success. The thing that helped me get out before I felt 'more stuck' was meeting my future self. She was graceful, peaceful, joyful. She was light and she was glowing. During that visualiszation, my current self was heavy and somewhat confused, in awe: 'This is me?' Yes, my future self welcomed me into her home and showed me what's possible. I didn't consciously know I was about to walk away from that relationship. No, not until about 4 months later when I admitted to myself 'It's not him, he is not the father of my future children'.

Step 4: Courage through confidence building. To be honest, it takes trust and faith to overcome resistance to change. These will cultivate the courage to take action. Self trust that you will overcome the challenges, and faith that you are worthy of better, much better. If you are facing change and you don't have trust and faith, it is time to borrow them from someone who does. Confidence comes from the word 'Confidere' which translates from Latin to 'with full trust, with faith', therefore it is my belief that confidence = self trust + faith. How do you cultivate these? By showing up again and again. By reading the books. Attending the seminars. Having a coach to help you with your blind spots. What specifically you need in order to build confidence will be unique to you. However, put your ego aside and admit that your problem is not unique to you. If you want to get through something, find someone who has gone through it. Success leaves clues.

Step 5: Resilience. Embrace change in a healthy way to respond from a place of love rather than react from fear. Physiological resilience begins in the heart by shifting and reseting our Heart Rate Variability (HRV). There are things we can do to increase our resilience physically and mentally. Think back to my personal example of the 'Future Me' vizualisation meditation. This enabled me to tap into my heart space and start making decisions and taking actions that aligned with my true desires. During that meditation, physiologically I most likely shifted and reset my HRV through Heart-Brain coherence. This has been shown effective through research by Heartmath x Gregg Braden. We also achieve this through the Breathwork Journey. Essentially, we are conditioning ourselves back into the Parasympathetic Nervous System.

Yesterday I wrote 'Our resistance to change lies here, within the unknown.' Today I want to highlight my words: 'Get inspired by the unknown'. I want to tie these two concepts together, the way I see them.

'To inspire' translates to: 'breathe Spirit into' which to me means 'breathe life into'. Without spirit, there is no life and one is lifeless. It is in the space of the unknown that we can be most creative, most imaginative, allow ourselves to dream. Once I have my vision, it is on me to bring it to life. Into existence. This is embodiment: a tangible or visible form of an identity, quality, or feeling. I am bringing 'Her' into life, embodying the feeling I felt when I met my future self.

Think about this for a moment: dreams happen during sleep, in darkness. The canvas is blank before art is made. Allow yourself to sit in the darkeness, in the nothingness and embrace change. Once you have your dream, breathe life into it and create art. Life on your terms.

There is more science and spirituality behind what I am talking about, and I will leave it at this for now. Starting to think I am due to write a book.

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KEYWORDS: Change. Resistence. Overcome. Visualise. Region Beta Paradox. Secondary Gain. Resilience. Primitive Brain. Hindbrian. Fear. Love. Action. Courage. Curiosity. Confidence. Inspiration. Inspire. Breathwork.

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